Course Outline:
Learning Module One: Introduction to Derivative Market.
Learning Module Two: Types of Derivative Contracts.
Learning Module Three: Derivatives Benefits, Risks & Investor Uses.
Learning Module Four: Introduction to Derivative Market.
Learning Module Five: Pricing and Valuation of Forward Contracts.
Learning Module Six: Pricing and Valuation of Future Contracts.
Learning Module Seven: Pricing and Valuation of Swaps.
Learning Module Eight: Pricing and Valuation of Options.
Level : Non Ceta Level
Start Date: 4/20/2024
Category : Design, UX/UI, Web, Print
Tags : Web Development, Layout
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But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system and expoune.
Start Date : 4/20/2024
Price : ج.م. 2,500.00
Seat : -100
Lecture 1.2
Time : 20 Minute
Seat : 25
Lecture 1.2
Time : 20 Minute
Seat : 25
Lecture 1.2
Time : 20 Minute
Seat : 25
Lecture 1.2
Time : 20 Minute
Seat : 25
Lecture 1.2
Time : 20 Minute
Seat : 25
Lecture 1.2
Time : 20 Minute
Seat : 25
Lecture 1.2
Time : 20 Minute
Seat : 25
Lecture 1.2
Time : 20 Minute
Seat : 25
Lecture 1.2
Time : 20 Minute
Seat : 25
Latanya Kinard
Web Designer