Course Details

CETA Level 1

ج.م.‏ 9,000.00

Technical Analysis is the study of Crowd Psychology. Understanding crowd behavior, how do masses react together, the concept of the irrationality and herd theory, these are all important factors to understand in details. Extreme emotions at market peaks and market bottoms drive major market movements. Thus discipline is of paramount importance, as well as trying to control your emotions and take your decisions on more solid ground. All these important factors will be taught in details. The candidate will be able to understand the market direction, how to capitalize on market movements from a long-term, intermediate-term as well as short-term perspectives, as well as understanding different trading tactics based on support and resistance. Some of these tactics are based on classical technical analysis, while other tactics are trading ideas from world famous traders and technical analysts. Candidates will also learn different candlesticks formations and how to trade using them, including blending different candles together and the psychology behind each candle. Strong moves sometimes occur with gaps, these gaps can be significant and lead to strong upward or downward moves. The candidate will understand gaps, their different types, and how to trade using them.

Level : Ceta Level 1 Start Date: 11/3/2024
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But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system and expoune.

Start Date : 11/3/2024 Price : ج.م.‏ 9,000.00 Seat : -67
Lecture 1.2 Time : 20 Minute Seat : 25
Lecture 1.2 Time : 20 Minute Seat : 25
Lecture 1.2 Time : 20 Minute Seat : 25
Lecture 1.2 Time : 20 Minute Seat : 25
Lecture 1.2 Time : 20 Minute Seat : 25
Lecture 1.2 Time : 20 Minute Seat : 25
Lecture 1.2 Time : 20 Minute Seat : 25
Lecture 1.2 Time : 20 Minute Seat : 25
Lecture 1.2 Time : 20 Minute Seat : 25

Alexzender Alex

CSE Teacher

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusa dolore mque laudantium totam rem aperiam eaqipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatvolup tatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit sed quia conseque.

Nathaniel Bustos


Latanya Kinard

Web Designer